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Creation & Innovation

Thinking outside the box is a superpower that can drive your career and industry to new heights. Learn to approach challenges just a little differently and watch the results blossom.

We're here to help you

build the skills your employees need to stay creative and innovative. By embracing a ‘different’ view they’ll be able to solve problems in the most original, effective, and efficient ways.

Skills to think outside-the-box.

Creative minds inspire others! Upgrade your employee’s creativity with skills like flexibility, innovative thinking and continuous improvement and innovation will follow automatically. No brainstorm needed!


Content to help you drive results:


Think Outside the Box

Want to be an innovator? A pioneer? Then let’s get rid of those rigid thought patterns and do it like Disney.


Design Thinking

Want to solve practical and theoretical problems in a creative way? Take the online course Design Thinking.



Reignite your curious spark, and become more creative and innovative as you go. Then, inspire curiosity in others, too.



Lean: it's the polish you need to smoothen out the procedures and processes at work. Start today: take the online training course!


Badass Brainstorming

Ready to send your brainchild out into the world and turn ideas into plans? Learn how to lead productive brainstorming sessions. Let’s get crackin’!


Change Management

Level up! Change is the only way towards greatness. How? Check out our online training course ‘Change Management’.

Skills to make your employees

remain fit for the future.

Our learning content is completely skill based. This means that we’ve consolidated 48 skills that we believe are crucial in every organisation. These can in turn be mapped across 8 coherent development areas related to your most prominent L&D / HR challenges.

Collaboration & Harmony

How to strengthen teams and celebrate diversity

Creation & Innovation

How to see opportunities and think of solutions

Inspiration & Communication

How to share ideas and move others

Leadership & Personal Strength

How to build self-confidence and show determination

Research & Expertise

How to process information and transfer knowledge

Strategy & Realisation

How to see the bigger picture and achieve results

Structure & Regulation

How to keep track and safeguard quality

Well-being & Support

How to understand others and stay level-headed

Learn where your organisation can thrive.

Wondering which growth area to tackle first? Our company scan holds the answer! Discover in less than 10 minutes where you can make most impact in your organisation. By answering the statements opposed, you will discover your organisations' current strengths and growth areas, plus the ambition you have to face tomorrow with confidence.

Thousands of organisations have entrusted GoodHabitz with the personal development of their employees.


No brainstorm needed,
trying out GoodHabitz will be your best idea ever!