

Functional cookies

Por ejemplo, registran tus preferencias de idioma, tu configuración de RGPD y las notificaciones que hayas cerrado con anterioridad. En definitiva, mejoran tu experiencia de usuario.

Google Analytics

Google Analytics evalúa cómo usas y cómo has encontrado la página. Utilizamos esta información para mejorar nuestra web.

Solo intercambiamos información anónima con Google Analytics sobre el uso de la web. Google Analytics prohíbe el envío personal de información identificable, así que no te preocupes por eso. Además, ocultamos partes de la dirección IP (máscara de IP) para ofrecer una mayor anonimización y tener el control de esta.

Puedes leer la política de privacidad de Google aquí.


Optinmonster nos permite mostrar mensajes contextuales que ayudan a la navegación de nuestra plataforma. Solo se intercambia información anonimizada con esta parte sobre el uso del sitio web. Optinmonster no almacena ninguna información personal.

Puedes encontras las políticas de privacidad de Optinmonster aquí.

Analytical cookies

We aim for a better version of our website every day, but we can only ever achieve that with your help. Our analytical cookies tell us what we need to do better.

Google Analytics
Google Analytics evaluates how you’re using, as well as how you’ve found us. It’s information we use to improve our website.

Only anonymized information is exchanged with this party about the use of the website. Google Analytics prohibits sending personally identifiable information to Google Analytics, so we do not do that. In addition we hide parts of the IP address (IP masking) to apply additional anonymization and we are in control of this.

You can find the Google privacy policy right here.

VWO helps us understand your user experience and test with different layouts. You can find VWO's privacy statement here.

On all domains and forms we use Hotjar cookies to improve our services. Hotjar anonymizes your personal data by encryption, so your privacy remains safeguarded.

You can find the Hotjar privacy policy right here.

Hockeystack evaluates how you’re using, as well as how you’ve found us. It’s information we use to improve our user experience and attribution.

Only anonymized information is exchanged with this party about the use of the website.

You can find the Hockeystack’s privacy policy right here.

Marketing cookies

Google Ads
This pixel checks your behaviour on our platform, so we can either show or block specific ads.
You can find the Google privacy policy right here.

You’ll find Pardot cookies on all domains and forms, so we can send you a personalized newsletter, for instance.
Pardot uses encryption to anonymize your data, so your privacy will always be safeguarded.
You can find the Pardot privacy policy right here.

We use DV360, a service by Google to present you with advertisements that are relevant to you. The use of DV360 cookies enables Google and its partner websites to serve ads based on previous visits to our website or other websites on the internet.
You can find the Google privacy policy right here.

This little cookie can see what you’re interested in on our website. We can use that information to show you relevant ads on Facebook. You’ll miss out on personalized promotions and interesting content if you choose not to accept this cookie.
You can find the Facebook privacy policy right here.

This little cookie can see what you’re interested in on our website. We can use that information to show you relevant ads on LinkedIn. You’ll miss out on personalized promotions and interesting content if you choose not to accept this cookie.
You can find the LinkedIn privacy policy right here.

Twitter cookies allow us to see where visitors have been on the website, so that we can link this data to relevant advertisements that we subsequently show on Twitter. You’ll miss out on personalized promotions and interesting content if you choose not to accept this cookie.
You can find the Twitter privacy policy right here.

Do not worry about cookies

We use cookies for marketing, optimization and functionality purposes. Mainly to give you the best experience while visiting our website. However, you decide which cookies you want to taste! Click ‘Accept’ to give permission to all cookies, but keep in mind that our website might perform less if you don’t accept them all.