
Future skills, and how to train them best.

How, and with what skills do you best train your employees to stay successful in the future? It’s this question that is at the heart of this episode of Moving Forward. Together with Maarten Franken, founder of GoodHabitz, we discuss the process of constant change and technological advancement that L&D has to deal with. And define where to best focus your efforts to stay on top of the game.

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Learn from Maarten Franken.

Maarten Franken has made a lifelong mission out of cultivating the habit of learning. With a profound impact in the e-learning and ed-tech sphere, as a co-founder of our online learning platform, he's the ideal guest to discuss the evolving landscape of L&D. Join us as we explore the challenges, opportunities, and future directions in skill development.

Upskill your L&D knowledge with more episodes

A high performing learning culture is the foundation for success. It’s what makes people thrive, in work and life. Each episodewe share insights and best practices to create that learning culture. Whether you are an HR professional, L&D manager, or anyone who wants to give their team a leg-up. We’re here to help you get your organisation learning – and moving forward.

Tomorrow calls for

new skills.

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