
GoodHabitz Recipes: Leadership

Below, we have prepared an example of a learning path related to the Leading & Personal Strength growth area to inspire your workforce in unlocking their leadership potential. Utilise this, or our other Recipes as inspiration, to learn from our specialists from the GoodHabitz Studios and effortlessly create your own learning paths.

Recipe completion time: 74 minutes. 


No recipe is complete without the right ingredients. With our diverse learning formats, you’ll be able to inspire, inform and engage your workforce on these topics. These ingredients are quick to complete, making the path you’ve set easily digestible, keeping your people hungry to learn. Continue reading to see an overview of the ingredients (learning format | course title | Lesson title)!

  • Assessment | Leadership – Find your style (10 minutes)
  • Moments | Take the Lead | Hands on Visionary (12 minutes)
  • Magazine|Take the Lead | What Makes a Leader? (20 minutes)
  • Explained | Coaching Management | Numero Uno (2 minutes). 
  • How To | Teamwork | Trust, Understanding & Quality (10 minutes)
  • Conversation Starter|Resilience | Stay Afloat (5 minutes)
  • WorkOut | Coaching Management (15 minutes)

Getting started.


While your employees might have the potential to be culinary geniuses, it all starts with gaining insights into your skill sets, strengths and potential blind spots. Armed with the relevant self-knowledge, they can start developing themselves with confidence and focus! 

1. Assessment | Leadership – Find your style
To fire up the leadership skills of your workforce, reflection on their current leadership capabilities is a good starting point. Do they have the right material, aka basic knowledge, and are they confident about it? Kick things off with this Assessment. You can compare it to asking your employees whether they want their meal to be spicy, or if they have any other food preferences. 


After making the right preparations, it’s time for some action! Add these next ingredients to effectively improve the vitality of your workforce. 

Take the Lead - Hands-on Visionary

Let’s dive right in with this inspirational Moments video. Learn from internationally renowned conductor Keri-Lynn Wilson on what it takes to lead an orchestra to peak performance.

Take the Lead - What Makes a Leader?

What does it actually mean to be a leader? Well before leading others you have to take a look at yourself and become aware of your own strengths and weaknesses. Go through this Magazine and learn about the essential qualities of leadership.

Coaching Management | Numero Uno

The success of a leader is dependent on that everyone in the team is pulling their weight. And how can you increase the chances of this happening? By making sure that everyone is happy and feels a sense of purpose in their work – and this is where you as a leader can make a big impact. Find out about the key aspects of job satisfaction of your employees in this Explained video.

Teamwork | Trust, Understanding & Quality

As a leader you want everyone in your team to perform to the best of their abilities. In this How-To you’ll dive into the different team roles – their traits, strengths and pitfalls – so that you know how to place everyone in the right spot.

Resilience | Stay Afloat

Resilience – wait what? Absolutely! As a leader you want to build a culture that thrives on open dialogue and honesty – and that includes conversations about expectations, stress and mental health. Don’t know where to begin? This Conversation Starter will help you to initiate a dialogue with your team.

Coaching Management

Being a leader implies that there is a team behind or next to you – so let’s get together and finish this recipe with a group WorkOut from the course Coaching Management.

Unlock your employees' full potential

with our online courses.

Personal development that creates impact. With GoodHabitz you have everything you need to get your employees to buckle down and upgrade themselves. Get a sneak peek into our library:

Chef's tips:

Challenge Accepted

Of course, being a leader comes with a whole spectrum of possible tasks and challenges. While some are looking to boost their team management or talent development skills, others are more focused on their decision making or want to be more assertive. Lucky you – because for each of these we have separate courses!

Listen Up 

Let’s be real –being in a leadership position is ultimately about nurturing and maintaining relationships – and what’s at the core of that? Your ability to properly communicate and listen. Don’t underestimate the power of actively listening to conversation partners and understanding what they are reallysaying. More on this in our course Are You Listening?

Assess, Learn, Repeat   

It is recommended that your employees regularly revise the recipe based on the evolving demands of their schedule.

Hungry for more Recipes for success?

From leadership to work happiness, discover our other inspirational learning paths!

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