
GoodHabitz Recipes: Teamwork

Below, we have prepared an example of a learning path related to the Collaboration & Harmony growth area to inspire you to boost your team’s teamwork. Utilise this, or our other Recipes as inspiration, to learn from our specialists from the GoodHabitz Studios and effortlessly create your own learning paths.

Recipe completion time: 55 minutes


No recipe is complete without the right ingredients. With our diverse learning formats, you can inspire, inform and engage your workforce on these topics. These ingredients are quick to complete, making the path you’ve set easily digestible and keeping your people hungry to learn. Below, you can find your ingredients (learning format | course title | Lesson title).

  • Assessment |Team Roles – What do you bring to the table? (8 minutes)
  • Moments | Teamwork | Stronger Together (11 minutes)
  • Magazine | Another Perfect Project | Team Spirit (20 minutes) 
  • Fast Forward | Online Teamwork | Communicate! (1 minute)
  • Dilemma Story | Teamwork | A Strong Squad (15 minutes)

Variation tip for teams: WorkOut | Team Roles (35 - 80 minutes).

Getting started.


While your employees might have the potential to be culinary geniuses, it all starts with gaining insights into their skill sets, strengths, and potential blind spots. Armed with the relevant self-knowledge, they can start developing themselves with confidence and focus!

1. Assessment | Team Roles – What do you bring to the table?

Our library has several assessments connected to teamwork, from team spirit to communication style. When working in a team, it’s important to know in which role everyone will excel. Curious to find out more about your role in the team? Take this test to find out where you fit in best and discover the path to greater job satisfaction and success. You’ll also learn more about the other team roles and how you can make the team work together.


After making the right preparations, it’s time for some action! Add these next ingredients to effectively improve the vitality of your workforce.

Teamwork | Stronger Together

Get inspired by the masters of teamwork, the castellers. This documentary shows how trust, focus, and shared responsibility are key to solid teamwork. Together, they build a strong human tower where each and everyone’s unique role plays an essential part.

Another Perfect Project | Team Spirit

Nothing is more important than good teamwork when wanting to work smoothly on a project. There are three key ingredients to reach this: multiply your talents, join forces, and monitor the progress. Read this Magazine and learn all about how to set the team and the work up for success.

Online Teamwork | Communicate!

Cooking brings everyone together, right? But what if you feel some distance from your colleagues who are working online?Clear communication becomes even more crucial when online teamwork is included to maintain a connection with the team. How this perceived proximity works is explained in the following Fast Forward.

Tip: also do the assessment Communication Style to find out how to best (online) communicate with others in your team.

Teamwork- A Strong Squad

Things might get heated in the kitchen. How does your team deal with conflicts and changes? Time to practise and see how strong your squad is in this Dilemma Story. Will you be able to (re)focus? 

Team Roles

Finish the recipe for Teamwork with one of the WorkOuts. In this group exercise from the assessment Team Roles, you delve into each and everyone’s role in the team. The end result? Get to know each other better and step up your teamwork!

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with our online courses.

Personal development that creates impact. With GoodHabitz you have everything you need to get your employees to buckle down and upgrade themselves. Get a sneak peek into our library:

Chef's tips:

Challenge Accepted

Was this recipe not challenging enough for your employees? They can delve intoEngage ‘Em, Self-Organising Teams, or Coaching Your Team to push themselves a little bit more. Want to add some DEI to the mix? Go to Cultural Diversity,Neurodiversity or Understanding Generation Gaps to learn more about how these embrace your teamwork.

Organise a Team Outing  

Team Spirit is just as important as teamwork. Organise a team outing to get to know your team better. This will for sure enhance your teambuilding and collaboration. While you’re at it, follow our Lesson on Team Spirit.

Assess, Learn, Repeat

It is recommended that you regularly check in on the well-being of the employees and adjust things to reduce stress factors and create a positive environment at work. Do the assessment again after a while and see if there has been some change.

Hungry for more Recipes for success?

From leadership to work happiness, discover our other inspirational learning paths!

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