
Inspiration & connection.

Positivity is contagious! By gaining the right self-insight and training, your employees will unlock a new level of (positive) thinking. Inspiring people around them and creating an even better work environment in which the glass is always half full!

We’re here to help you

spread positivity like confetti. Just kidding! But we do have the tools to develop your employees to people who connect and inspire the ones around them through their mindset and clear communication.

Competencies that build a positive mindset.

With the right skills your employees can always find a silver lining! Our content helps them build competencies like adaptability, encouragement, and improvising, as well as more commercial skills like customer focus and networking.

Customer focus
Commercial skills

Content that makes your employees go the extra (s)mile!


The Science of Happiness

Are you looking to create more joy into your life? Researchers in positive psychology have discovered a wealth of techniques to help you reformulate your thinking. Get ready to start brewing bliss!


The Elevator Pitch

You’ve got sixty seconds to tell your story, so plan, practise, and perform! With this course you’ll create an elevator pitch to blow everyone away.


No Story, No Glory

Whether it's a presentation to a crowd or a one-on-one with your boss, many situations benefit from a good story. This course will teach you all you need to hold everyone spellbound.


Mindfulness - How Zen Are You?

Do you find yourself going from one task to the other, forgetting to enjoy the present? Discover how mindful you are!


Happiness at Work - Oh Happy (Working) Day!

Do you go to work with a smile every day? Take the test and find out how happy your work makes you!


Happy Customers Make Repeat Customers

It's time to really invest in your customer relationships and give them exactly what they want and need. Happy customers will return, after all.

Competencies to make your employees

remain fit for the future.

Our learning content is completely competency based. This means that we’ve consolidated 65 competencies that we believe are crucial in every organisation. These can in turn be mapped across 8 coherent development areas related to your most prominent L&D / HR challenges.

Self-care & Sensitivity

Create strong teams that know how to prioritize wellbeing.

Inspiration & Connection

Build a culture of optimism & positive communication.

Security & Control

Ensure efficiency by building strong teams.

Management & Authority

Learn to lead with confidence, determination and decisiveness.

Creation & Innovation

Boost teamwork and problem solving through innovative solutions.

Technology & Expertise

Learn how to use technology and data to your advantage.

Strategy & Realisation

Master setting a clear vision and your goals.

Collaboration & Harmony

Develop strong teams with unique and diverse qualities.

Learn where your organisation can thrive.

Wondering which growth area to tackle first? Our company scan holds the answer! Discover in less than 10 minutes where you can make most impact in your organisation. By answering the statements opposed, you will discover your organisations' current strengths and growth areas, plus the ambition you have to face tomorrow with confidence.

Thousands of organisations have entrusted GoodHabitz

with the personal development of their employees.


You’ll be positively surprised
after our 14-day trial!

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