Engage & upskill your team.

How do you continue to develop and upskill your team? Give your employees the tools they need for effective personal development with our insightful online assessments and inspiring training courses. GoodHabitz content is the turnkey solution for the development of your entire organisation. Because if your employees are the best versions of themselves, your organisation will be too!

From self-insight to self-development.

With GoodHabitz, your employees not only get the insights they need to further develop their skills, but they also receive practical information to get started right away. Our content guides them from self-insight to self-development in an accessible, fun and inspiring way. From documentaries, magazines and quizzes shorter than 10 minutes, to full-length training courses. With GoodHabitz, everyone learns in the way that suits them.

Happy and motivated employees

Our topical and inspiring content will get your employees motivated about improving themselves! This will lead to increased job satisfaction and help you to build a stronger, more effective team.

High-quality educational content.

Our online assessments and training courses perfectly match the current development needs of your employees. Designed 100% internally by our educational designers and subject-matter experts, we fully localise our content in 20+ languages, giving more of your employees the opportunity to learn, no matter where they live.

Learn wherever and whenever you want.

Behind your desk, in the armchair or on the road. Our online library is available everywhere via your laptop, tablet or phone! This way, your employees can learn wherever and whenever they want.

Take care
of loyal employees

It is perhaps one of the biggest challenges we currently face: talent management. Without the right people in the right place, the future success of your organisation is at risk. No wonder talent management is such a hot topic! Now the question is: how do you actually attract, retain and develop talent? And what role does personal development play in this? Find out the answers in our free research report!

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Unlimited access for one fixed price.

With GoodHabitz, everyone in your organisation gets unlimited access to our entire library for one fixed price - no strings attached! We make learning a good habit without any hidden costs.

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Engage and develop your workforce with GoodHabitz. Try our complete learning library for yourself and see just how easy it is to gain new skills.

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Microsoft 365: PowerPoint

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Español en el trabajo: escribir

Deutsch am Arbeitsplatz: Schreiben

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Masterclass Ben Tiggelaar - Gedragsverandering

Masterclass Jim Stolze - Digitale transformatie

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Koude acquisitie voor warme mensen

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