Of course, we can be proud of the numbers. In 2020, we had more students than ever. A record number of study hours, completed tests, issued certificates and that’s only the tip of the iceberg. Hundreds of organisations joined GoodHabitz and that, too, happened at breakneck speed. Awesome. But still, this is all inextricably linked with coronavirus, lockdowns and remote working. GoodHabitz looks back on the eventful year 2020.
A willy-nilly record year.
Bull's eye
Wasit a prophecy or just a coincidence? The fact is thatwe publishedOnline Teamwork in January: the first training of the year and (as it turned out later)a lifesaver for every GoodHabitz student working fromhome.Communicating via Zoom and Teams, virtual leadership and online collaboration:before the lockdown, these issues were already highlytopical,andthey provedmore relevant than ever during the pandemic. Itmade "OnlineTeamwork" the most popular new title of 2020 basically overnight.
And then the world closed ...
When the first disturbing reports from Wuhan reached us at the end of 2019, we already knew that the virus could not be stopped. InFebruary, March and April,onecountry afteranotherclosed their borders. Public buildings closed their doors, just like the hospitalityindustry, offices and factories... Even the streets became very quiet. What is there to doif you can’tgo outside?As it turns out,peoplestart learning!
We kept an eye on our statistics and theycertainly don’t lie. Students learnedtwiceas muchinMarchas they did in previous months. InApril,students even followed four times theusual number of modules.GoodHabitzscored top marks in Spain, where students learned six times as much as usual. It’s harsh, really: the country that was hit hardest by the coronavirusended up with the highest scores.
Personal development:fad or future trend?
But what happens, we thought,once we’re allowed to go outside again?Once we cango back to the office, visit each other again andpick up hobbies and sports once more?Willpersonal development be put on the back burneror is it here to stay? We were relieved when thelatterturned out to be the case. Of course, weprobably won’t be able tomatch the peakwe achievedinApril (more than a million modules followed)anytime soon, but the average number of modulesfollowedduringthe months ofMay to November has doubled compared to 2019.At least we have onepositivething to say aboutthat miserable lockdown: itgaveamajorboost to the personal growth of our students.
The winners
Every time we launch atraining course at GoodHabitz,we can’t help but feel a little nervous. Well, let's call it healthy tension instead.What will students think about our training course?Will students study a new training coursewith as much careand enthusiasm as it was developed? Fortunately, thanks to extensive data research, we didn’t have to wait long to find out. We look atthe number of clicks, the time that students spend on a trainingcourseoraspecificcomponent and the ratings thatcoursesand components receive from students. It provideswonderfuland sometimes surprising insights.Ready?Here they come!
Not everyonefollowsa trainingcoursefrom A to Z. In fact, the majority goes through itin noparticular order and picks out their favourite learning methods(s).That’s totally okay, as far aswe’re concerned! The following learning methods (also called "activities") are the most popular in the UK:Get the message(rated with an9,6),Your Voice (9,5)and Loud & Clear (9,1).
Finally:the Promo Studio
We know that students sometimes feel a little hesitant about getting started on their personal development. In 2019, with theGoodScan, we've already made that a little bit easier. In 2020, we took another great step with our brandnewPromo Studio: the toolyou can use toput specific training courses and themes in the spotlight for your colleagues, individually or on a campaign basis. Because now that you know the smash hits of2020, it might be interesting to put these training courses in the spotlight in the new year as well. With the Promo Studio, you can designexactlywhat you need to do that, exactly the way you want it.Onelasttip from us to you: write an annual report like this one about the use of our training courses in your organisation. Use theGoodHabitz dashboard (or your LMS) and ask your coach for advice. Do you thinkwecandoeven better in2021?
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