1. Why is behaviour change such an important topic?
2. The Fundamentals
3. Why is behaviour change so difficult?
4. What is a habit?
5. The Ladder
Good to Know
Short History
Learning objectives
Finding out which goals are a good fit for you.
Learning how to set productive goals.
35 min - 4 activities
1. Why is it important to have goals?
2. How do you establish a goal?
3. This is how you formulate a goal
Learning objectives
Figuring out what your behaviour should be.
Translating goals into tangible actions.
42 min - 4 activities
1. Why does behaviour have such a big impact?
2. How do you know what behaviour fits you and your goal?
3. Three tips for effective action planning
To Do
Learning objectives
Designing your space for behaviour change.
42 min - 4 activities
1. Why do you need support?
2. What support do you need?
3. Three tips for organising support
To Do
Learning objectives
Applying behaviour change theory.
64 min - 6 activities
1. How to plan for change
2. The Ladder and personal leadership
3. Change together
Dilemma Story
To Do
Learning objectives
Setting goals
Choosing behaviour
Creating support
10 min - 1 activities
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